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October 2019 Newsletter 

Greetings! I first want to say thank you for all those who support and pray for the ministry. This month has been fruitful.  I have been preaching in many places. On Monday through Friday I preach a live message on my radio station. The messages usually last from 30-40 minutes. On Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and Friday nights I preach at my church in Venezuela. (I have Sunday night service also but I allow a friend to preach so he can develop his gift). You can watch me preach live on YouTube if you look up Doug Dennis. But of course, it’s in Spanish.

         On October 4 th , 5 th , and 6 th  I will be having the Bible school with the Indians. October is always the rainiest month, and at the last month’s Bible school, I cautioned the Indians that live at the far away tribes, to only come to the classes if it’s safe. I don’t want anyone getting hurt or worse, trying to make it to the Bible school. 

           As usual I will pay and send out 4 teams of Indian leaders to go out and minister to the mountain Indian tribes. So typically a week after Bible school the 4 teams will go into town, attend the service that Sunday morning, get their food for the trip and then leave for a 3 week journey to disciple/evangelize the different tribes in Venezuela and Colombia Because it is the rainiest month, I will send the teams off to the tribes where you don’t have to cross rivers to get there. To get to many of the mountain tribes where we preach you have to cross the river more than 70 times and with the heavy rains the swollen rivers will be fast moving and dangerous to cross. This month they will be limited to staying in Venezuela due to the rain.

         Last month for the Indian meetings they had to pay with beef and rice, a person with a truck to go get fire wood so that they could cook food for the Indians. There is almost no gasoline, no cooking gas or electricity now.

         I was planning to preach in Colombia this past month. I was leaving on Tuesday the 17 th  but on Monday the 16 th  my grandpa in Ohio died so I made plans to go there and postponed my trip to Colombia for next month.


I wanted to share a testimony that Venancio, my main Indian leader, told me about a week ago when he was ministering at the Neremu tribe. The testimony is about an Indian believer named Adelia, from the tribe of Neremu. After giving birth Adelia kept on bleeding for one month. Because of the difficulties of transportation and not knowing how to get money, she stayed in her tribe hopeful that she would stop bleeding. Finally, when her family decided to take her to the hospital she was in really bad condition. They brought her to the main hospital that is in the city of Maracaibo called “General del Sur.” While she was at the hospital she died. When she was pronounced dead, she had an after-death experience. Adelia said, “Two angels came and they took me to see heaven. Heaven was so big I couldn’t describe it. There were an uncountable multitude of people. All were praising God. God was sitting on His throne. I saw angels with trumpets getting ready for the day of Jesus Christ’s return. The angel who was with me said, ‘This is one of the places in heaven.’

         The angel then said, ‘The church must get ready because the time for Christ’s return is at hand. See the angels?’ Pointing to the angels who had trumpets, he said, ‘They are prepared to blow them when God tells them. Only God knows the time and season. But that is why you are here. It is necessary that you testify what I will show you.’

         Then the angel showed me another place, where there were angels who had swords. The angel said, “These angels are warriors; they are guardian angels who fight every day for the children of the most high God.” The angels had very big wings and white robes. Their swords were like fire. The angel told me ‘Do not fear for God is with us,’ and then he said to go with him because he had more things to show me.

         Next the angel showed me a huge city with beautiful houses that looked like they were made of gold and there were streets of gold. The flowers that were there would sing praises to God. There were rivers that came from above. (Adelia said that there were a lot of things she saw that we don’t have here on earth, and she didn’t know how to describe them because she didn’t know what to compare them to.)

         The angel who was with me then told me, ‘Listen to what is being said.’ I heard a voice that came from the throne of God saying, ‘My people, do not fear, for I AM the FIRST and the LAST.’ All of heaven heard the voice, and the angel said, ‘You must share what you have seen and heard here in heaven when you go back to earth, but don’t fear for God is with you.’

         Then the angel said, ‘Now you are going to see a place that was not created for man but for the devil and all those who follow him. It’s a place torment, a place of eternal death.’ I saw men and women, young and old. They had no escape from the flames that engulfed every one of them. While seeing hell I saw a man that I knew. His name was Arebaro. He had died around 10 years ago. I could see him perfectly clear and I knew it was him. The angel told me to ‘Share what you have seen and heard with the people.’

          While she was in heaven God healed her and she came back to life. She then left the hospital and went back to her tribe. Adelia has been sharing her testimony with other Indians. She says that she is so grateful that she is a Christian, and that she wants people to know that God, heaven and hell are real.


Well thank you again for your prayers and support. It makes all of our work in Venezuela and Colombia possible. God bless you.


                                                                                                     In His Service,

                                                                                                    Doug, Veronica, James & Ana

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