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Doug Dennis Ministries

 February Newsletter 2023


Greetings from Colombia. I minister in this country each month and everything is going well. I preach on the radio in the mornings and at night I preach at the church and cell meetings. We are grateful for all your prayers and support as we continue to minister in Colombia and Venezuela. The radio ministry has been particularly successful in spreading the gospel message. We plan to start our 8th FM radio station as soon as possible.


In the past month, donations have been received for several projects. With the proceeds, we are purchasing three mules. (I have the photo of one of the mules we already bought).  One of the mules is for my one Indian worker who works with me in evangelizing and discipling the mountain tribes and he also has a radio station in Maracaibo. The second mule is going to be for my Indian leader named Fredi, who travels to many mountain tribes to preach the gospel. The third mule will be for my Indian leader, Alfonzo, who weekly travels to the different mountain tribes in his area and disciples the believers. In addition, funds were received for a new radio station, which will be our 8th FM radio station. I am still praying about whether to put it in Venezuela or Colombia. Money was also given for the 1st phase of the church we are building in Maracaibo.  We also received money for a new water project for an Indian tribe. The mountain Indians are so grateful when we help them get clean water for their tribe.  (One tribe we helped in the past was so happy, they wanted to make me their Indian chief😊) We are grateful for all those who donated, as it is a great blessing for the Venezuelan, Colombian and Indian people.


In January, we held an important event in the Indian tribe of Marewa. It was a four-day event. I preached there several times, and many Indians preached live for the first time on the radio station at the tribe. Thirty different Indian tribes participated in the activity. We were able to tell about the event on our radio stations that reach to the most remote mountain Indian tribes. So the Indians came from all over for the event.  They brought their hammocks and they slept in the church that we built and some just slept out in the open. We had an overflowing of worship and preaching- one of the services was an all-night service.  I included a photo of their favorite food we served during the event. The Indians particularly enjoy eating chicken feet-  it’s "heaven on earth" for them!


My main Indian leader, Venancio, is almost finished with the translation of the book of Genesis into the language of the mountain Indians.  (The Bible had never been translated into their language before.)  I format it and print it. Once it is finished, we will start sending out the Genesis book with our “New Testament/Proverbs” Bible in the Yupka language. Then, we will continue translating the other Old Testament books into the Yukpa language and I will continue printing them. One of the mules we will purchase will be used to distribute the books and Bibles to the different Indian tribes. We’ll load our mule up with Bibles and take them to the mountain tribes!


I have a testimony from one of my Indian leaders from the Taremo tribe that I would like to share with you.  His name is Dionisio and he had an experience while working on the mountainside. He left in the morning to work his land. As he was working, he became dizzy and fell to the ground.  This happened in the morning. When he didn’t come back at his usual time, his family went looking for him. He had laid there for about seven hours until his family found him. He was covered in ants.  The ants were all over his body including inside his mouth. After his family found him, they carried him back on a hammock (used like a stretcher and carried between 2 people) to the Taremo tribe.  Dionisio didn’t have any vital signs.   Once back at Taremo, they got the believers together and began to pray, asking God for a miracle. They kept on praising and singing for a while to activate their faith. Eventually, Dionisio woke up and said that while he was out of it (he said he thinks he was dead), he saw a beautiful path and an open door with people singing inside. The voice said he couldn't go in yet, and he woke up. He believes it was a vision of heaven. 

Well, thank you again for all your prayers and support.  It makes all of our work in Colombia and Venezuela possible.

                         In His Service,

  Doug, Veronica, James & Ana

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