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August 2019 Newsletter

Dear friend,  

 Greetings! I want to say a special thank you to all who pray and support the ministry. This past month I was able to acquire a very important key to the ministry- a radio station. I bought a radio station where I started the church in Machiques, Venezuela (where I have my monthly Bible School with the Indians.) This is a great tool to get the gospel out. Not only will the sermons that I preach at my new church on Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night and Friday night be live on the radio but I plan on preaching live, every day, on the radio station. The radio station has a 30 KM radius reach. At a later time, I would like to upgrade certain parts of the station so that it could reach to the farthest tribe in the mountain range. I will also have my main Indian leader, Venancio, preach in the Yupka language to reach the Indians who live in the nearby mountain tribes. I’ve always liked preaching on the radio (I preach on 5 radio stations) but I never thought of getting my own radio station. But because the country is in such bad shape, a lot of people are selling what they have to leave the country. Right now we are currently looking for a used air conditioner for the radio station. Because of the equipment, the radio station needs to be cool. Since the radio station is in the church, we are looking for a used unit that could cool the church also. There are quite a few members at the new church that I started. Even though we just started a short time ago there are usually over 70 people on Sunday mornings. So I have been excited about that. This month when the Indian leaders come down from their mountain tribes to come to my Bible School, they will find out about the new church and many will start to come for the Sunday service. With the new church and the new radio station, a bigger door opened up in the ministry. We are able to touch a lot more people.

I am looking forward this month to have my Indian Bible School at the new church that I am pastoring. Like I do each month, after my Bible School I will send out teams of my Indian leaders to preach to the mountain Indian tribes. So I have a testimony from July when one of my teams came back from ministering to the mountain tribes. The testimony is from an Indian who lives in a mountain tribe in Colombia called Santo Tomas. But first, there is a past testimony that I have to share before telling you about the new testimony. A few years ago, I sent my team of Indian leaders to Santo Tomas. When they arrived, Manuel, my one Indian leader from Taremo, planned to head straight to the hut of a woman at the tribe. Manuel wanted to talk to this woman because when my Indian leaders would come to minister at Santo Tomas, she would always tell everyone in the tribe that the Bible was a lie and that the Indian leaders were preaching lies. As he was heading to her house to talk to her, the wind started blowing hard and it began to rain. He went to the nearest hut to take refuge. While waiting for the rain to pass so that he could go and talk to this lady who would oppose them and the Word, a lightning bolt went right through the hut of the lady and struck her.  It killed her. When the rain stopped all the people went over to the lady’s hut. When they saw what happened, the one Indian spoke for them all saying, “We better seek God. This woman has been telling us that what these preachers are saying is a lie, and that the Bible is a lie but she was struck by lightning. She was opposing God and His Word.”

Well last month I sent a group of my Indian leaders back to the Santo Tomas tribe to minister. While there, they met a 16-year-old Indian named Jorge Luis Martinez who was now preaching the Word of God at the tribe. He shared with my Indian leaders how he was converted. He told them he had a supernatural experience. He said that he had a dream/vision. In this dream he went to hell. He saw many terrible things, many scary things. He said all of hell was full of people screaming and asking for help. There was a terrible smell. While he was there, he saw the lady who had opposed the gospel. He cried when he saw her because he knew her. He asked her if there was a way that he could help her get out and she replied that there was no way out. During this dream he was moving a lot and his parents threw water on him to wake him up. After that experience he believed the gospel, and started to preach the Word in his tribe.

This past month when I went to Colombia there were people saved and many people were filled with the Holy Spirit. While in Colombia I traveled to a desert place, where we walked for many hours evangelizing the Indigenous people in the area. I also preached at churches. I had to travel far by bus to get to a lot of the places where I preached.

This month I will be starting a new Bible School in San Pablo, Colombia. A church in San Pablo asked me if I would start a Bible school there. So, I will preach a live YouTube video and transmit it to my church in Machiques and also to the San Pablo church at the same time. When I went to Colombia the first time, I felt that I was supposed to start a Bible School but I didn’t know how it would be possible. Now this door opened and God made it possible!

At the church in Venezuela Veronica is helping me preach. On Sunday mornings we are providing soup for the people after church. Since they don’t have natural gas lines in the towns, most cook with propane tanks. But now since propane tanks are almost impossible to find, we cook with wood, like the good old days.😊 

Well thank you for all of your prayers and support. It makes all of our work in Venezuela and Colombia possible.

                                                  In His Service,

                                                  Doug, Veronica, James & Ana

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